Evolution bingo

and dinosaurs
Macroevolution Ridiculous A buried watch Missing link
Horse evolution Assuming
no God
The soul Watch
on the beach
Young Earth
Men from monkeys Giant humans Only
a theory
Vestigial organs Circular reasoning
Faith Darwinism Might makes right Peer review Survival
of the fittest
God of the gaps Flagellum Archaeopteryx Church and state Whale evolution

Evolution Bingo Rules

  1. Print out this bingo card. If there are multiple players, print out additional pages from www.iamanatheist.com/bingo/evolution_card_only.php (refresh the page to generate new cards).
  2. Wander around until you come upon a normal person and a creationist debating about evolution.
  3. Whenever one of the terms or topics listed on the board is discussed by either side of the debate, mark it off.
  4. If you are able to mark off five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (or, for advanced players, all the squares) you win!
  5. Take your winning card to the nearest participating natural history museum, house of worship, street preacher, or research laboratory meeting to claim your prize!